Transfer crypto between chains with bridges we support

Everstake is one of the industry’s top-performing validators trusted by numerous blockchain ecosystems to validate messages between different blockchains. Move your assets between chains with ease.

Validating in a generic interoperability protocol for multiple blockchain systems

Wormhole ensures profound cross-chain functionality for numerous blockchains, including Ethereum and Solana.

Wormhole has turned a blockchain bridge into a flourishing ecosystem and a developer platform consisting of modular components that can be used independently and swapped at any time to suit the needs of a particular application.

Everstake has been working with and actively involved in the development of Wormhole since 2020.

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nodes ran
by Everstake

Validating in a generic interoperability protocol for multiple blockchain systems

Wormhole ensures profound cross-chain functionality for numerous blockchains, including Ethereum and Solana.

Wormhole has turned a blockchain bridge into a flourishing ecosystem and a developer platform consisting of modular components that can be used independently and swapped at any time to suit the needs of a particular application.

Everstake has been working with and actively involved in the development of Wormhole since 2020.

number of blockchains supported
number of nodes ran by Everstake
Learn more about wormhole

Creating pillars for a decentralized network of validators

Axelar is a one-stop solution for cross-chain communications suiting the needs of platform developers and app creators.

The solution consists of a decentralized validator network, smart contract gateway, and SDKs as well as an API.

Everstake runs the nodes and maintains the system operation through transaction confirmation, as well as monitors the gateway to validate transactions.

Everstake has been working with Axelar since 2021.

learn more about axelar
number of
number of
nodes ran
by Everstake

Creating pillars for a decentralized network of validators

Axelar is a one-stop solution for cross-chain communications suiting the needs of platform developers and app creators.

The solution consists of a decentralized validator network, smart contract gateway, and SDKs as well as an API.

Everstake runs the nodes and maintains the system operation through transaction confirmation, as well as monitors the gateway to validate transactions.

Everstake has been working with Axelar since 2021.

number of blockchains supported
number of nodes ran by Everstake
learn more about axelar

Helping defragment the entire blockchain ecosystem through unique IBC technology

Orbit Chain created an ecosystem enabling one to use a hub for assets of different origins.

Transactions are verified by trusted validators on-chain through the use of decentralized IBC (inter-blockchain communication) protocols of different kinds: normal, staking, and token economy. Everstake enables this precise usage of the technology.

Everstake has been working with Orbit since 2019.

Learn more about orbit
number of
number of
nodes ran
by Everstake

Helping defragment the entire blockchain ecosystem through unique IBC technology

Orbit Chain created an ecosystem enabling one to use a hub for assets of different origins.

Transactions are verified by trusted validators on-chain through the use of decentralized IBC (inter-blockchain communication) protocols of different kinds: normal, staking, and token economy. Everstake enables this precise usage of the technology.

Everstake has been working with Orbit since 2019.

number of blockchains supported
number of nodes ran by Everstake
Learn more about orbit

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What are blockchain bridges?


Blockchain bridges act like their real-life counterparts by connecting different blockchains to one another and enabling the transmission of data, including assets, between them.

How do blockchain bridges work?


They use different solutions to achieve that, from wrapping tokens to IBC protocols. In any case, bridges allow for creating a working ecosystem consisting of or working with several blockchains.

Is data transmission between blockchains safe?


In most cases, it is the validator’s task to ensure the security of data transmission, though each bridge solution can come up with its own unique technology to attain that. Therefore, the safety of data depends on a particular bridge. All bridges that Everstake works with are completely safe, and their data transmissions are well protected.

How do Crypto Bridges Work?


Crypto bridges, also known as blockchain bridges, facilitate the transfer of tokens and data between different blockchain networks. They work by locking the original asset on its native blockchain and issuing a corresponding asset on the target blockchain.

Validators play a crucial role in verifying and confirming the transactions, ensuring the security and integrity of the cross-chain transfers.

What is a Bridge in Crypto?


In the context of cryptocurrency, a bridge refers to a technology or infrastructure that enables the transfer of tokens or data between different blockchain networks. It acts as an intermediary, connecting the ecosystems of various blockchains and allowing for interoperability.

Is it Possible to Hack Crypto Bridge?


While the blockchain technology underlying crypto bridges provides a high level of security, it is not completely immune to hacking attempts. However, reputable and well-established crypto bridges implement robust security measures to minimize the risk of hacking. It is crucial to choose trusted bridges, follow best security practices, and stay informed about any potential vulnerabilities or security updates.

What is a Blockchain Bridge?


A blockchain bridge is a technology that connects different blockchain networks, allowing for the transfer of tokens and data between them. It enables interoperability and facilitates seamless transactions across diverse blockchain ecosystems.

Best Blockchain Bridge Projects


There are several notable blockchain bridge projects that have gained recognition in the crypto space. Some of the best-known projects include Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit, which are supported by Everstake. These bridges have proven to be reliable and efficient in facilitating cross-chain transfers, enhancing interoperability, and expanding the possibilities within the crypto landscape.

Best Crypto Bridges: Transferring Crypto Between Chains Seamlessly Using Cross-Chain Bridges We Support

Crypto Bridges: Detailed Guide

Understanding Crypto Bridges

The crypto world is brimming with diverse blockchains, each offering its own unique functionalities and digital assets.

However, this variety can result in a complex landscape where cross-chain transactions — the process of transferring tokens between different blockchains — become challenging. This is where crypto bridges come in. They provide the much-needed capability for seamless, interoperable transactions between different blockchain ecosystems.

Crypto Bridges Explained

Crypto bridges, also known as blockchain bridges, are sophisticated technologies designed to allow the safe transfer of tokens between separate blockchain ecosystems. They act as intermediaries, enabling a token or other forms of data to traverse from one blockchain to another, thereby boosting the overall interconnectivity within the crypto space.

The operation of a crypto bridge is fundamentally based on a lock-and-mint mechanism. The original token on its native blockchain is locked, and a corresponding token on the target blockchain is minted.

The minted token is effectively a representation of the locked token but exists on a different blockchain. This mechanism allows the value of the original token to be moved across different blockchains, promoting interoperability.

How Do Blockchain Bridges Work?

The functioning of blockchain bridges hinges on the concept of validators. Validators are selected entities or nodes that are entrusted with the responsibility of verifying and approving transactions that occur across chains.

These validators observe the locking and minting of tokens during a cross-chain transfer, ensuring the transaction is accurate, secure, and in accordance with the bridge protocol.

The validator's role in a crypto bridge is vital, as it ensures the integrity and authenticity of the cross-chain transfer. Validators may be selected based on various consensus mechanisms, such as the amount of cryptocurrency they have staked, their reputation in the network, or their computational resources.

The Role of Cross-Chain Bridges in Crypto Transfers

Cross-chain bridges play an instrumental role in enabling seamless crypto transfers. With a vast number of individuals and organizations now dealing with multiple blockchain platforms — Ethereum, Bitcoin, Binance Smart Chain, to name a few — the ability to freely move assets across these chains is essential.

Crypto bridges are pivotal in facilitating this movement of assets. For instance, staking service Everstake, a trusted validator for multiple crypto bridges including Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit, offers secure and efficient cross-chain transfers. Such bridges not only simplify asset transfers but also broaden the horizons for decentralized finance (DeFi) activities and potential earnings in the multifaceted crypto landscape.

Advantages of Crypto Bridges Everstake Supports

Crypto bridges offer a solution to the issue of interoperability in the diverse crypto landscape. Everstake, as a trusted validator, supports various popular and efficient bridges, providing an array of benefits to the crypto community.

Network Compatibility and User Base

The top crypto bridges supported by staking service platform Everstake are compatible with major blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Binance Smart Chain, and more. This broad network compatibility attracts a large user base, increasing the liquidity and usability of these bridges. Everstake's support for these bridges strengthens the connectivity among these networks.

Ensuring Security and Automation

As a staking validator, Everstake ensures the security of transactions happening through the crypto bridges it supports. The validators' role is to authenticate and approve the locking and minting of tokens during a cross-chain transfer, maintaining the trustworthiness of the process. Furthermore, most of these processes are automated, reducing the risk of human error and increasing the efficiency of transfers.

List of Crypto Bridges Everstake Supports

Here is a table showcasing the best cross-chain bridges supported by Everstake as a trusted validator:

Crypto Bridge

Wormhole is a popular cross-chain bridge that enables the transfer of tokens between the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain networks. Everstake serves as a validator for Wormhole, ensuring the security and integrity of cross-chain transactions.


Axelar is a cross-chain communication protocol that facilitates interoperability between various blockchains. Everstake acts as a validator for Axelar, enabling smooth and secure cross-chain transfers for users.


Orbit is a decentralized bridge connecting various blockchain networks, allowing for the seamless transfer of assets. As a validator for Orbit, Everstake ensures the reliability and trustworthiness of cross-chain transactions through this bridge.

By supporting these crypto bridges, Everstake empowers users with a wider range of options for cross-chain transfers, enhancing the connectivity and versatility of the crypto ecosystem.

Emphasizing Interoperability in Cross-Bridging

Interoperability plays a vital role in the world of cryptocurrency, particularly in the context of cross-bridging. Staking service platform Everstake understands the significance of achieving seamless interoperability and has implemented measures to enhance this crucial aspect of the crypto ecosystem.

Why Interoperability Matters in Cryptocurrency

Interoperability is the ability of different blockchain networks to communicate and interact with one another. In the context of cryptocurrency, interoperability enables the seamless transfer of assets and data between different blockchains, regardless of their underlying protocols or token standards

This is essential for the efficient functioning of the crypto ecosystem, as it allows users to utilize assets across multiple networks and unlock new opportunities for decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

By enabling interoperability, Everstake bridges facilitate the flow of value and information between diverse blockchain networks. This interconnectedness enhances liquidity, increases market efficiency, and fosters innovation within the crypto space.

Achieving High Interoperability

Everstake recognizes the importance of achieving high levels of interoperability and has taken steps to ensure seamless cross-bridging.

By supporting trusted crypto bridges such as Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit, Everstake enables users to transfer assets between different blockchains, bridging the gaps that may exist between various networks.

Through its role as a staking validator, Everstake ensures the security, reliability, and efficiency of cross-bridging operations. This validation process guarantees that the tokens are accurately locked and minted during the transfer process, maintaining the integrity of the entire system.

By emphasizing interoperability, Everstake contributes to a more connected and accessible crypto ecosystem. The ability to freely transfer assets between different blockchains not only unlocks new possibilities for users but also promotes collaboration and innovation across various networks, leading to a more vibrant and inclusive crypto landscape.

How to Get Started with Everstake Cross Chain Solutions

Staking service platform Everstake offers a user-friendly and efficient way to leverage cross-chain solutions through our crypto bridges.

Why Use Bridges for Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit?

Using bridges like Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit, supported by Everstake, offers several advantages for cross-chain transfers:

  • Enhanced interoperability: These bridges enable the seamless transfer of assets between different blockchain networks, expanding the usability and accessibility of your tokens.
  • Network compatibility: Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit support popular blockchain networks, ensuring compatibility with widely used cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications.
  • Secure and efficient transfers: Everstake's role as a validator ensures the security and efficiency of cross-chain transfers through these bridges, providing peace of mind and reliable transactions.


Recap of The Benefits of Crypto Bridges

Crypto bridges, such as those supported by Everstake staking service platform, play a crucial role in the crypto ecosystem by enabling seamless cross-chain transfers. Let's recap the benefits of utilizing crypto bridges for your cryptocurrency transactions:

  • Interoperability: Crypto bridges break down barriers between different blockchain networks, allowing for the smooth transfer of assets and data across multiple platforms.
  • Expanded Possibilities: With the help of crypto bridges, you can unlock new opportunities by accessing and utilizing assets on various blockchains, enhancing the functionality and versatility of your crypto portfolio.
  • Trust and Security: Bridges supported by Everstake, like Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit, ensure the security and integrity of your cross-chain transfers through their validation processes and adherence to stringent protocols.
  • Broad Network Compatibility: Crypto bridges are designed to support popular blockchain networks, enabling compatibility with widely used cryptocurrencies and facilitating seamless transactions across diverse ecosystems.

Making the Most of Your Crypto Transfers

To make the most of your crypto transfers and take advantage of the benefits offered by crypto bridges, consider the following:

  • Choose Reliable Bridges: Select reputable bridges like Wormhole, Axelar, and Orbit, which are supported by Everstake as a trusted validator, to ensure secure and reliable cross-chain transfers.
  • Understand the Process: Familiarize yourself with the functioning of crypto bridges and the steps involved in using them. Everstake provides comprehensive guides and resources to assist you in navigating the cross-chain transfer process.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest developments and advancements in the crypto space, including new bridges and improved interoperability solutions, to optimize your cross-chain transactions.

By leveraging the power of crypto bridges supported by Everstake, you can harness the full potential of cross-chain transfers, expanding your reach, and embracing the opportunities presented by the interconnected crypto ecosystem. Start maximizing your crypto transfers and explore the possibilities with the staking service platform Everstake today.

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