Build complex
blockchain products
from scratch

We have been developing smart contracts and building complex blockchain products.
We speak Rust, GO, Solidity, and other languages — and we can build things for you.

an RPC gateway

Fault-tolerant and disaster-resistant access to RPC nodes are vital for the ecosystem. We are developing our own battle-tested decentralized RPC gateway called Extrnode so that any dApp developer can connect to dApp to a decentralized cluster of RPC nodes and automatically reroute responses if any node is down.
Visit extrnode

an RPC gateway

Fault-tolerant and disaster-resistant access to RPC nodes are vital for the ecosystem. We are developing our own battle-tested decentralized RPC gateway called Extrnode so that any dApp developer can connect to dApp to a decentralized cluster of RPC nodes and automatically reroute responses if any node is down.
Visit extrnode

Blockchain explorer

Everstake is a responsible validator, so transparency is paramount to us. To ensure this core feature of blockchain tech is maintained properly, we developed explorers for five major blockchains. Now accurate, on-chain data is open for everyone to see.
Visit oasis monitor

Blockchain explorer

Everstake is a responsible validator, so transparency is paramount to us. To ensure this core feature of blockchain tech is maintained properly, we developed explorers for five major blockchains. Now accurate, on-chain data is open for everyone to see.
Visit oasis monitor


Wormhole ensures profound cross-chain functionality for numerous blockchains, including Ethereum and Solana.
Wormhole has turned a blockchain bridge into a flourishing ecosystem and a developer platform consisting of modular components that can be used independently and swapped at any time to suit the needs of a particular application.
Everstake has been working with and actively involved in the development of Wormhole since 2020.
Visit Wormhole


Wormhole ensures profound cross-chain functionality for numerous blockchains, including Ethereum and Solana.
Wormhole has turned a blockchain bridge into a flourishing ecosystem and a developer platform consisting of modular components that can be used independently and swapped at any time to suit the needs of a particular application.
Everstake has been working with and actively involved in the development of Wormhole since 2020.
Visit Wormhole

CSR products

Everstake is a proud Ukrainian company and a socially responsible business. Together with Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation, we co-initiated Aid For Ukraine, a charitable organization that raised over $60M in crypto for the benefit of Ukraine. Thanks to the high proficiency of our DevOps, the fundraising website withstood all Russian DDoS attacks, of which there were many.
Aid For Ukraine marks the first-ever instance of a cryptocurrency exchange directly cooperating with a public financial entity to provide a conduit for crypto donations.

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What is smart contract development?


Smart contract development involves creating self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They automatically execute transactions without needing an intermediary once predefined conditions are met. Smart contracts are primarily used on the blockchain, especially within the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi). Solidity is a common programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

How to use blockchain in web development?


Incorporating blockchain into web development often involves creating decentralized applications (dApps). These applications run on a blockchain network, utilizing its features of transparency, immutability, and decentralization. To use blockchain in web development, one might need to leverage tools and frameworks designed for blockchain integration, such as Truffle Suite for Ethereum. The development involves writing smart contracts, testing them, deploying them onto a blockchain network, and then creating a frontend that interacts with these smart contracts.

What is blockchain development?


Blockchain development involves creating and implementing blockchain protocols, crafting the architecture of blockchain systems, developing dApps and smart contracts. This process requires a deep understanding of blockchain principles, cryptography, and certain programming languages like Solidity, Rust, or Go. A blockchain developer also needs to understand how consensus mechanisms work, as they are crucial to maintaining the integrity and security of the blockchain network.

What language is used for blockchain development?


The choice of language for blockchain development often depends on the particular blockchain platform in use. For instance, Solidity is typically used for creating smart contracts on Ethereum. Other languages commonly used for blockchain development include:

  • Go and Rust: which are used by many blockchain platforms due to their efficiency and control over system resources;
  • JavaScript: which, with its numerous frameworks and libraries, can be used in blockchain development, especially for creating front-end user interfaces;
  • Python: which is prized for its simplicity and readability, making it a good choice for blockchain development, particularly for educational and experimental projects.

Blockchain & Smart Contract Development

Full Guide on Blockchain and Smart Contract Development

The growing interest in decentralized systems has put Blockchain and Smart Contract Development in the spotlight. This guide provides an overview of these critical areas and sheds light on their importance in the contemporary tech landscape.

Overview of Blockchain Development

Blockchain Development involves creating and implementing a decentralized, distributed ledger system that can securely record digital transactions across multiple computers. This ensures transparency, eliminates the risk of data tampering, and reduces the need for intermediaries. It can be applied to a myriad of industries, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more.

Blockchain development can range from developing new cryptocurrencies to creating decentralized applications (dApps), among other services. A blockchain developer typically works with a specific blockchain platform like Ethereum, Solana, or Polkadot and uses programming languages such as Solidity, Rust, or Go to develop these applications.

As a leading blockchain development company, Everstake offers blockchain development services that are customizable and use cutting-edge technology. Staking service platform Everstake's team of blockchain developers is adept at developing highly secure and scalable solutions tailored to the clients' needs.

Importance of Smart Contract Development

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. These contracts run on blockchain, making them transparent, traceable, and irreversible. They help automate the execution of processes, reduce the possibility of errors, and eliminate the need for trusted intermediaries.

Smart contract development has become essential in various industries, especially in decentralized finance (DeFi). They enable the creation of decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, yield farming, and more.

Solidity is the most widely used programming language for writing smart contracts, especially for applications on the Ethereum blockchain. Staking platform Everstake offers smart contract development services, including DeFi smart contract development.

Its developers use Solidity to create secure and reliable smart contracts for various applications. Their services are designed to cater to the evolving demands of the blockchain ecosystem, thereby contributing to the progression and growth of the DeFi space.

Benefits of Blockchain and Smart Contract Development with Everstake

Key Offerings from Trusted Blockchain Development Company

Everstake is a reputable entity in the blockchain development landscape, well-known for its comprehensive range of offerings. As a full-service blockchain development company, Everstake specializes in providing customized solutions, from crafting new blockchain systems to the development of decentralized applications (dApps). The company employs a team of seasoned blockchain developers who are adept at working with various blockchain protocols, including Ethereum, Solana, and Polkadot.

The versatility of Everstake extends to smart contract development as well. Using Solidity, a popular language for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, Everstake's developers create secure and reliable smart contracts. These contracts are designed to automate processes, reduce the chance of human errors, and improve efficiency. Everstake's smart contract development services cater to various sectors, including decentralized finance (DeFi), where smart contracts form the backbone of many applications.

The Role of Security and Automation

The security of blockchain systems and the automation brought about by smart contracts are two of the crucial benefits provided by Everstake. In terms of security, Everstake's blockchain solutions are designed to be tamper-resistant, ensuring that the data stored on the blockchain remains unalterable and trustworthy. This high level of security is essential for many industries, such as finance and healthcare, where data integrity is paramount.

Everstake's smart contracts bring a high level of automation, minimizing the need for manual processes and reducing the potential for errors. These contracts automatically execute transactions when predefined conditions are met, eliminating the need for intermediaries and improving efficiency. This automation is particularly beneficial in sectors like DeFi, where smart contracts drive most of the functionalities of protocols.

Wide Network Compatibility

The top liquid staking platforms provide extensive network compatibility, enabling users to stake multiple types of cryptocurrencies. Everstake, for instance, supports a variety of Proof of Stake (PoS) chains. This wide network compatibility offers users an unmatched level of flexibility and choice in their staking activities, allowing them to diversify their portfolio and reduce potential risks.

Exploring Non-custodial Services Offered by Everstake

Emphasizing the ethos of decentralization, Everstake offers non-custodial services. This means that users retain complete control over their private keys, and by extension, their funds. Non-custodial services are critical in maintaining users' control and privacy, two principles that are at the heart of blockchain technology.

In offering these non-custodial services, Everstake ensures that users can enjoy all the benefits of blockchain technology, such as transparency, immutability, and security, while retaining full control over their digital assets. This strikes a balance between providing advanced blockchain solutions and respecting the principles of decentralization and user autonomy, making Everstake a preferred choice for many seeking blockchain and smart contract development services.

The Importance of Secure Development

Security stands at the forefront of any blockchain development project. The decentralized and immutable nature of blockchain makes it a potentially attractive target for various security threats. Therefore, ensuring the secure development of blockchain platforms and smart contracts is critical.

The Critical Need for Security in Blockchain Development

The importance of security in blockchain development cannot be overstated. Blockchain networks, by their very nature, are decentralized and distribute data across multiple nodes. While this design provides robustness against data tampering and single points of failure, it also exposes the system to potential threats.

A breach in a blockchain network could lead to irreversible damage, given the immutable nature of blockchain transactions. This makes securing blockchain systems a top priority. Moreover, as blockchain finds more applications across industries like finance, supply chain, and healthcare, the need for secure development becomes even more crucial.

Specifically, for smart contract development, security is paramount. Smart contracts, being self-executing pieces of code, could be exploited if not properly developed and audited. An error in a smart contract could potentially lead to significant financial losses.

Ensuring Secure Development: Strategies Adopted by Top Blockchain Platforms

Top blockchain staking platforms like Everstake prioritize secure development through various strategies. This typically involves the following steps:

  • Secure Coding Practices: Developers adhere to secure coding guidelines to minimize the risk of errors that could lead to security vulnerabilities. This often involves the use of programming languages specifically designed for blockchain and smart contract development, like Solidity.
  • Thorough Testing: Extensive testing is carried out to identify and rectify any potential security issues. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and also specialized testing techniques like fuzzing.
  • Smart Contract Auditing: In the case of smart contract development, auditing the contracts is a crucial step. This involves examining the smart contract code to identify any potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited.
  • Continual Updates and Patches: Secure development is an ongoing process. As new threats emerge, blockchain platforms need to be updated and patched accordingly.

Getting Started with Blockchain and Smart Contract Development

Whether you're aiming to develop a new blockchain system or implement smart contracts, getting started with blockchain and smart contract development requires careful planning and execution.

A Step-by-step Guide to Blockchain and Smart Contract Development

  1. Identify the Use Case: The first step is to identify the problem you are trying to solve and how blockchain technology can help. Is it a problem that can benefit from decentralization and transparency? Could smart contracts automate complex processes?
  2. Choose the Right Blockchain Platform: Depending on your use case, you might choose different blockchain platforms. Ethereum is popular for its smart contract functionality, while Solana offers high throughput and low fees.
  3. Learn the Blockchain Development Language: Learn a programming language that is commonly used for blockchain development. Solidity is the most used language for Ethereum smart contracts, while Rust and C are used for Solana.
  4. Start Developing: Begin your development process. This may involve writing smart contracts or developing your blockchain's architecture. Remember to follow best coding practices to ensure the security and efficiency of your code.
  5. Test Rigorously: Test your smart contracts or blockchain thoroughly. Look out for any security vulnerabilities or inefficiencies. Consider employing a third party to conduct an audit of your code.
  6. Deploy and Maintain: Once you've tested your code thoroughly, you can deploy your blockchain or smart contract. But your job isn't over. You'll need to provide regular updates and maintenance to ensure ongoing security and efficiency.

It's also important to note that the world of blockchain and smart contract development is ever-evolving, and staying updated on the latest trends and advancements is crucial.

Engaging a seasoned blockchain development service provider like Everstake can ensure a streamlined and updated approach to your blockchain development journey.


Summarizing the Offerings of Leading Development Platforms

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, choosing the right development platform can make a significant difference. A leading blockchain development company like Everstake provides a suite of services that cater to diverse needs, from the development of new blockchain systems to the creation of robust smart contracts.

Everstake's key offerings as a trusted blockchain development company ensure customized and innovative blockchain solutions for businesses across various sectors. The team of seasoned blockchain developers at Everstake is adept at working with various blockchain protocols and languages, offering versatile solutions to their clients.

Staking service platform Everstake stands out in the industry with its strong emphasis on security and automation. The company offers secure, tamper-resistant blockchain solutions and develops smart contracts that automate transaction processes, thereby improving efficiency and reducing potential errors.

Furthermore, Everstake provides non-custodial services, ensuring that users retain full control over their digital assets while enjoying the benefits of blockchain technology, like transparency, immutability, and security.

To get started with blockchain and smart contract development, businesses can follow a methodical approach that involves identifying the use case, choosing the right blockchain platform, learning the required languages, developing, testing, and finally, deploying and maintaining the solutions.

With a robust portfolio and a commitment to security, customization, and user empowerment, Everstake remains an excellent choice for businesses seeking to leverage the power of blockchain and smart contract development.

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