Update of the Oasis-monitor blockchain explorer: improved list of validators, charts, and more

17 Jul 2020
4 min read
4 min read
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We've expanded validators data pages
We've expanded the charts page
We've updated the API

A lot of work has been done over the past two weeks since the launch of the MVP, as we wrote here. We continue to improve our explorer and expand the its functionality. Read more about what we have done in the past two weeks.

We've expanded validators data pages

We added more data and charts for validators. Let's see what has changed


Previously, you could not fully view transaction data of validators and their delegators, track uptime and validator information, view statistics in the form of charts, and much more.


Now all this is possible. On the validator page, you can now view the balance, list of transactions and delegators, and their addresses. And on the charts page, you can check the staking balance statistics and uptime rating. The longer the validator is online, the higher the rating.


But that's not all: soon we will add links to validators' social networks and their logos, and you will be able to see them in "person". So, you can always do your own research before delegating.

We've expanded the charts page


We have added new charts to the statistics page, which allows users to get a more complete picture of the Oasis network state.



In the previous update, users could only see two charts on the statistics page: escrow ratio and transaction volume.


Now users can view not only the escrow ratio and transaction volume, but also several more charts:

  • Number of operations;
  • Number of accounts;
  • Volume of fees;
  • Top 10 validators by voting power.

We've updated the API

API documentation has become even broader. We have fully finalized the documentation and updated the API functions, and developers can now fully use the functionality provided by the Oasismonitor blockchain explorer.


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