What is Aleo: A Comprehensive Overview

19 Oct 2023
11 min read
11 min read
Article content
Understanding Zero-Knowledge Proofs
What Sets Aleo Apart from Other ZK Blockchains?
Introducing the Leo programming language
Aleo Credits
Where to store Aleo tokens
Exploring Aleo Testnet
Aleo's Testing Journey
Everstake Selected as a Validator in Aleo Testnet
Over to you

In a world where digital privacy tends to be overlooked, Aleo emerges on the blockchain stage, promising a secure and private digital environment. 

Aleo, a layer-1 blockchain, combines Zero-Knowledge (ZK) cryptography with programmable smart contracts, providing a robust foundation for secure online transactions. This technological blend enables developers to build applications that prioritize user data privacy. As Brennen Schlueter, Head of Marketing at Aleo, articulates, ZK-proofs tackles not only Web3 challenges but also broader internet security and privacy issues.

This piece explores Aleo’s features, the mechanics of Zero-Knowledge proofs, the Leo programming language, and the functionality of Aleo credits within its ecosystem. Additionally, we will share insights from our venture into Aleo's Testnet.

Let’s dive in.

Understanding Zero-Knowledge Proofs

A Zero-Knowledge proof is a cryptographic pillar that allows one entity to prove knowledge of a value to another without disclosing the actual value, thereby fostering secure, private digital transactions. Aleo leverages ZK to build a blockchain network where privacy is a standard, not merely an option.

“On Aleo, every transaction is private by default. As a result, zPass enables individuals to confidently verify their identity information securely while maintaining complete privacy.” – John Reynolds (Product Manager, Aleo)

With ZK proofs at its core, Aleo supports fully private applications, ensuring secure interactions without data exposure. Unlike traditional blockchains with open transactions, Aleo conceals transaction details, displaying only the essential information for validation. This not only enhances privacy but also provides a secure environment for both developers and users.

What Sets Aleo Apart from Other ZK Blockchains?

To understand what sets Aleo apart, it's useful to compare it with Mina Protocol, another key player in this field, particularly because they both aim to utilize Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology to enhance privacy in blockchain applications. While Aleo strives for a completely private ledger, Mina promotes customizable privacy, displaying a nuanced approach to privacy-centric blockchain development. Here are their distinctions:

Privacy by Default

  • Aleo ensures every transaction is private by default, eliminating the need for users to opt-in.

  • Mina, while utilizing ZK proofs, doesn’t always default to privacy, requiring users to take additional steps for transaction privacy perhaps.

Developer Ecosystem

  • Aleo, with its Leo programming language, facilitates the easier creation of privacy-centric applications.

  • Mina presents a robust developer ecosystem but lacks a dedicated language like Leo, possibly demanding a steeper learning curve from developers.

User-Centric Approach

  • Aleo extends beyond transactional privacy to support fully private applications.

  • Mina, on the other hand, primarily targets transactional privacy and a lightweight blockchain.

Community and Collaboration

  • Aleo, with its educational sandbox and open-source ethos, nurtures a culture of learning, innovation, and collaboration.

  • Mina also boasts a strong community but with a sharper focus on scalability and blockchain size optimization.

These attributes mark Aleo's unique position among other ZK blockchains.

Introducing the Leo programming language

Aleo has unveiled Leo, a programming language rooted in Rust, simplifying complex cryptography for developers to build ZK-powered applications on Aleo effortlessly. Supported by a robust community and abundant educational resources, Leo promotes a collaborative, learning-centric ecosystem for developers.

Additionally, Leo is backed by a supportive community and rich educational resources, including documentation, tutorials, and a repository on GitHub. This fosters a collaborative and learning-oriented ecosystem for developers. Its open-source nature further encourages community collaboration, allowing developers to contribute to its evolution and benefit from the collective intelligence of the Aleo community.

Aleo Credits

Aleo Credits, beyond being mere tokens, fuel a privacy-centric ecosystem facilitating seamless transactions and program executions. Whether it's executing transactions, running programs, or interacting with decentralized applications (DApps), Aleo Credits are central to maintaining privacy and predictability within the Aleo network.

Exploring User Interactions with Aleo Credits

Here's a comprehensive look at Aleo Credits:

  • Executing Transactions

Aleo Credits are used to cover the costs associated with executing transactions on the Aleo blockchain. Every time a user wishes to make a transaction, a certain number of Aleo Credits will be required to process that transaction. The amount of credits required could depend on the transaction's complexity or size. This ensures that the network remains operational and compensates for the computational resources used during the transaction processing.

  • Running Programs

On the Aleo blockchain, the cost in Aleo Credits required to run a given program can be known in advance. This feature benefits users as it allows them to manage their credits efficiently. They can ensure they have sufficient credits to run a program that enhances user experience by eliminating unexpected costs. This precalculable nature of fees helps promote transparency and predictability, which are crucial for fostering trust and ease of use within the network.

  • Maintaining Privacy

Aleo Credits play a pivotal role in maintaining privacy on the Aleo blockchain. When users engage in transactions or interact with decentralized applications (Dapps) on the Aleo blockchain, the privacy-centric design of Aleo Credits ensures that their data remains confidential. This aligns with Aleo's overarching goal of providing a privacy-focused blockchain network where users can transact and interact without compromising their privacy.

  • Using Decentralized Applications (DApps)

Aleo Credits are also utilized when interacting with Dapps on the Aleo blockchain. Similar to transaction execution and running programs, the cost in Aleo Credits for using Dapps can be determined beforehand. This feature facilitates a smooth user experience as individuals can allocate their credits wisely for various interactions within Dapps. Moreover, it encourages the development and usage of Dapps on the Aleo blockchain by providing a clear, transparent costing model for users, which can in turn drive more engagement and innovation within the Aleo ecosystem.

  • Code Walkthrough with Aleo SDK

For developers interested in Aleo Credits, the Aleo SDK is a handy tool. This software kit offers pieces of code that show how to start transfers, update how many credits you have, and look at public credit balances.

In our modern world, where data leaks and privacy issues are common, Aleo Credits offers a unique solution. They provide a safe environment for transactions, ensuring that personal information stays private. By choosing Aleo Credits, we're taking a step towards a safer and more private online experience.

Where to store Aleo tokens

You'll need a wallet if you want to send or receive tokens, stake them, trade them, etc. Here's a list of wallets that officially support Aleo Credits.

Leo Wallet

Leo Wallet is a multifunctional crypto wallet developed by the Aleo team. This wallet is an app that allows storing, sending/receiving and staking Aleo tokens in a secure and convenient way. Leo Wallet provides comprehensive support for the Aleo blockchain and offers unique features to enhance security and ease of use.



Avail is a self-custodial wallet and smart contract interface built on the Aleo blockchain that is soon about to be launched. It prioritizes user control over money while maintaining high levels of security and privacy. 


Some key features include shard wallet recovery using Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm, encrypted storage across multiple entities, a Smart Contract EUX for easy contractual agreements in natural language, and integration of fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat systems for seamless transactions.

Puzzle Wallet

Puzzle Wallet is a self-custodial wallet designed for the Aleo blockchain, focusing on making private on-chain activities enjoyable. Its features include managing on-chain assets securely, controlling data visibility, offering organized and descriptive activity history, and soon allowing users to share asset custody with others.



FoxWallet is a multi-chain and multi-wallet compatible decentralized crypto wallet supporting over 20 chains like Ethereum, Polygon, and, of course, Aleo. It ensures security by not storing private keys on the cloud, giving users complete asset control. 


With a focus on security and decentralization, it offers encryption for top-notch storage solutions. FoxWallet allows easy switching between accounts and processing/canceling transactions. Additionally, it offers 24/7 live support through Telegram for any inquiries or assistance.

Exploring Aleo Testnet

Testnets are crucial in blockchain development, serving as testing grounds for new protocols. Aleo’s journey through its testnet phases reflects its commitment to fostering an open, censorship-resistant system, with the recent completion of Testnet 3 Phase II marking a significant stride towards this goal.

Aleo's Testing Journey

Aleo began testing its special privacy technology, zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), using a series of test networks known as testnets. Testnet 1 was the starting point where developers got a chance to explore Aleo's system, understand how it works, and fix any early problems. Moving on to Testnet 2, the focus changed to growing the network and making the creation of ZKPs faster and more efficient. This phase saw many more people getting involved, leading to a significant boost in the speed at which proofs were created.

In Testnet 3 Phase II, Aleo aimed to attract more people to create ZKPs for smoother network transactions. Over 44,000 individuals from 94 countries participated in eight weeks, showcasing Aleo's global appeal. Remarkably, Aleo became the first to achieve around 750 MILLION Proofs Per Second (PPS) across any blockchain, a speed 37,000 times faster than in Testnet 2, reflecting its commitment to efficiency. Additionally, Aleo distributed 3.1 million Aleo Credits to participants, rewarding their contributions and aligning with its goal of fostering an open and fair system.

Everstake Selected as a Validator in Aleo Testnet

Recently, we joined the Aleo Testnet as validators and found ourselves amidst a vibrant ecosystem poised to redefine digital privacy. Being a validator is a testament to our shared vision for a secure, private digital domain. As we venture into this collaborative engagement, we are excited about the prospects of learning, contributing, and growing alongside a community that shares a vision of leveraging blockchain technology for the public good.

Becoming a validator on Aleo's Testnet involved a stringent selection process. Amidst a competitive pool of over 6,000 applicants, Everstake stood out, securing a position as one of the 55 selected validators. This group represents a global community spanning 28 countries across five continents. 

The Aleo validator Testnet, which started in November 2023, signifies a crucial step towards the launch of the Aleo mainnet. This phase offers a conducive environment for the selected teams to gather vital insights and data regarding the Aleo validator ecosystem. The data collected is expected to serve as a valuable resource for Aleo teams across various departments, assisting in refining node operations, communication channels, and engagement strategies as the journey towards the highly anticipated Aleo mainnet continues.

Over to you

Aleo's expedition in the blockchain space manifests a compelling blueprint for a secure digital future, one where privacy isn’t a mere afterthought but a fundamental right. Through its innovative integration of Zero-Knowledge cryptography and smart contracts, Aleo not only tackles the existing challenges of online privacy but also lays a solid foundation for developers to build upon. As Aleo marches forward, with its vibrant community and distinguished validators like Everstake, it stands as a beacon of what's achievable in the blockchain domain.

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