Delegate Mina with Everstake

Total delegated to Everstake: 10 361 928 MINA
Mina Logo in Cube
0.83 $
reward frequency
Per epoch
your earnings will be:
0.05 mina
1.38 mina
16.50 mina
The calculations only give an approximate amount, as the price fluctuates.
calculator – your earnings
0.05 mina
1.38 mina
16.50 mina
0.83 $
reward frequency
Per epoch


EVERSTAKE validator address


Delegating step-by-step

Mina Delegation is an alternative to direct staking, with the advantage that you don't need to maintain your own node, which must always be online.

Delegators can stake their own MINA to any block producer in exchange for a predetermined portion of the rewards (dependent on the terms the validator offers), minus any validator fees. Block producers are randomly selected for work on the chain in proportion to the amount of staked MINA on the node (a stake includes both self-bonded and delegated tokens). The more total MINA staked to a node, the higher the chance it will be selected to produce a block.

You can delegate MINA tokens by using ~Clorio Wallet, Auro Wallet Extension, StakingPower Mobile Wallet, or Ledger Hardware Wallet using Auro Wallet. The complete list of the step-by-step guides is below:

If you are interested in staking $500,000 (in MINA tokens) or more, please get in touch with us via Discord or book a call with our Head of Staking to discuss advantages for prime customers.

About Mina Protocol

Mina Protocol is a next-generation Proof-of-Stake blockchain that stores transactions in a succinct form. The Mina blockchain is only 22KB in size. The size of the blockchain is immutable no matter how long it is used. This enables Mina Protocol to provide fast synchronization of nodes. Mina operates on succinct proofs of state or SNARK-based compressed proofs of state. Such compression is achievable thanks to this approach.

The staking features of Mina Protocol

Epoch duration: 14 days and 21 hours.

First reward: 2-4 epochs (depending on the start of the delegation).

Min/Max staking amount: none.

Unstaking period: none.

Wallet fee: 1 MINA (for activation). 

Everstake's commission: 10%.


What is Zk-Snark and how does it work?


A zk-SNARK (Zero Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge) is a succinct cryptographic proof that checks blocks for validity.

In the abbreviation SNARK, “succinct” means that the evidence is small and can therefore be quickly verified. “Non-Interactive” means that there is little or no interaction between the prover and the verifier. They only share one piece of evidence.

A zk-SNARK functions as a genuine certificate to prove that a computation (verifying transactions in a block) was performed correctly, without confirming the computation itself. This way, a SNARK validates the block’s transactions without having to display all transactions. This effectively reduces the block size to one SNARK.

And here lies the ingenious solution provided by the Mina Protocol developers. Creating a SNARK is a computation, so you can create a SNARK from multiple SNARKs. Therefore, every time a new block is created, a new SNARK certificate is generated accordingly. It is also possible to create one SNARK confirming previous certificates. After that, one “super” SNARK can be created that would prove the entire transaction history of the blockchain, allowing you to go from the first block (genesis block) to the current state while remaining the same size as one certificate. This process can be called recursive SNARK composition, which allows the blockchain to be constant in size (less than 22KB).

Please see the Technical Whitepaper for more details.

What roles are included in Mina Protocol?


The node operators can play two roles: they can create blocks and/or they can create SNARKs.

There are two groups of validators in the Mina blockchain:

  • Block producers who act as miners or validators in other blockchains. Typically, block producers choose which transactions to include in the next block.
  • SNARK-workers or SNARKers are network members who create zk-SNARKs to verify transactions.

The properties of SNARK


To remove the trust element from the Mina network, the developers have added two important properties to SNARKs:

  • Combinability. A SNARK combines the two pieces of evidence to form a merge proof.
  • Associativity. All merge proofs are identical to each other and do not depend on the order in which the merge occurs.

This approach allows any user to launch a node on the Mina network or become a SNARK worker and receive rewards for their work. This sets Mina apart from other blockchains that require either expensive mining hardware or large staking amounts.

Please read our article for more details.

How to start delegating MINA?


Here is an easy step-by-step guide:

  • Buy MINA on one of the exchanges listed below.
  • Choose the most preferable wallet: Clorio, Auro, or Staking Power.
  • Create a wallet address and deposit the MINAs into your wallet.
  • Choose the validator and delegate MINA tokens with it.

For example, you can delegate your MINA tokens with Everstake. Check the Mina Explorer for more information.

What are the options to delegate MINA?


You can delegate MINA tokens using ~Clorio Wallet, Auro Wallet Extension, or StakingPower mobile wallet.

Check out these guides on how to delegate MINA tokens:

Who maintains custody of my delegated MINA tokens?


MINA tokens delegated with Everstake or any other validator are never locked, as Mina Protocol has no unbonding period. So, you are in full control of your tokens.

What are the risks?


There is no slashing risk or lock-up period on Mina.

The only risk you can find in Mina is that not all validators are competent and honest with their users. They can simply disappear and stop paying rewards. 

You should always check your validator’s reputation and experience.

With more than five years in the market, Everstake has 70+ chains in its portfolio. Rewards are always on time, and we are available 24/7. So you can be sure that your cooperation with Everstake is safe and reliable. 

What is Everstake’s commission rate?


Everstake's current commission rate is 10%.

Can I stake with multiple validators?


When staking MINA, you delegate all your funds to one block producer. 

But this option is available to you with Auro Wallet. The Multiple Accounts function enables you to share your balance between two or more addresses and stake with different validators. 

You can find more information in our detailed Auro Guide

How to check my staking performance?


All information about your transactions is available on MinaExplorer or Minascan. You need to add your public address to find out all the details of your account activity.

What is a Supercharged reward?


Mina offers a supercharged reward for the first 15 months to encourage staking for accounts with no blocked tokens in them. In the first 5 months, its rate will be 24% per annum — twice as much as the usual staking reward.

Why are my rewards not the same every time?


The amount of a reward depends, for example, on the staking pool size (the bigger the stake of your block producer, the higher the chance for a block, but the chance doesn’t mean rewards), the number of unlocked tokens, and the validator fee (depends on validator).

More details about rewards and how they accrue are available here.

Why is there a delay for staking to take effect?


To ensure consensus, there is a delay between when delegations are sent on the blockchain and when they take effect with respect to staking on the network. In other words, the staking ledger will always be between 18 to 29 days behind the live ledger.

Is there a block explorer?


Yes, check out these block explorers:

What is the total MINA supply?


1 billion MINA tokens will be distributed during the mainnet launch, but they will be fully unlocked only after eight years. Although the emission is unlimited, the token inflation rate will decline annually from 12% until it reaches 7%.

How does Mina achieve scalability?


Mina achieves scalability with recursive zk-SNARKs. By generating proofs of validity for historic blockchain states, Mina can keep the blockchain size fixed. This allows for higher throughput due to the block size limits not being so taxing on the network, thereby increasing the scalability of the network.

What are zkApps?


ZkApps (zero knowledge apps), previously known as Snapps, are Mina’s zero knowledge smart contracts.

In short, Mina zkApps are a more scalable and private form of the dApps you find on Ethereum, and zkApps can prove through zk-SNARKs that any information they process is valid without needing to expose all pieces of the information. So in the case of smart contracts that allow trustless transactions to take place, zkApps can do this in a much more secure way because they don’t expose any unnecessary information whatsoever during their execution.


Where can I buy Mina?


You can buy MINA on a number of popular exchanges, including the world’s top exchange in terms of trading volume Binance. Here you can check a full list of exchanges where you can buy MINA.

Educational materials


People are coming to crypto from a variety of industries. In order to guide newcomers through complexities, providing them with detailed information related to a blockchain, we work hard to create more educational content.

Everything you need to know about Mina Protocol:

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