
Total delegated to Everstake: 201 675 329 ZIL
Zilliqa Logo in Cube
0.02 $
reward frequency
Per epoch
your earnings will be:
0.03 zil
1.05 zil
12.58 zil
The calculations only give an approximate amount, as the price fluctuates.
calculator – your earnings
0.03 zil
1.05 zil
12.58 zil
0.02 $
reward frequency
Per epoch


EVERSTAKE validator address


Delegating step-by-step

Zilliqa is a smart-contract blockchain platform that improves chain scaling through network sharding. This is one of the most distinctive and important features of Zilliqa.

Zilliqa has a sharded architecture that addresses the scalability limitations seen on some other blockchains. 

Sharding divides a network into mini-blockchains called "shards." All data coming into Zilliqa's blockchain can be processed in smaller sections and shared asynchronously among the shards. A sharded network is ideal for processing complex computational tasks, such as financial modeling, training neural networks, data mining, analytics, and machine learning applications.

Zilliqa's network capacity is several hundred thousand TPS. Its architecture relies on task parallelization to distribute work and computation within a peer-to-peer network, allowing delegators to safely stake coins and earn rewards.

The Everstake team has covered the main ways on how to stake ZIL. Please see our staking guides below:

More staking guides are yet to come, so stay tuned.

If you want to know more about Zilliqa, please read our overview article "Introduction to Zilliqa: A Blockchain Platform Designed to Scale in Transaction Rates."

Note: If you are interested in staking $100,000 (in ZIL tokens) or more, please contact us via Discord or book a call with our Head of Staking to discuss advantages for prime customers.

About Everstake

Everstake has proven to be one of the most reliable validators on the market. Its infrastructure supports the majority of PoS and DPoS blockchains, providing its customers with a trustless, non-custodial, secure, and efficient solution for getting staking rewards.

Users can increase their yields by delegating ZIL to Everstake while keeping digital assets secure. It is a great way to put ZIL to use and earn rewards with the best commission and 24/7 customer support.


How is Zilliqa Different from Other Blockchains?


Zilliqa solves the blockchain scalability problems with a unique sharding technique that allows it to scale linearly as the network grows.

Zilliqa uniquely relies on a combination of Proof of Work (PoW) and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT). It uses staking to incentivize seed nodes to join the network.

Zilliqa uses Proof of Work (PoW) to strengthen its network security. Every new node that is to join the Zilliqa network has first to perform a PoW. PoW is used to prevent Sybil attacks (not for consensus).

What is Staking?


Staking offers cryptocurrency holders the opportunity to make their digital assets work and earn passive income without having to sell them.

Zilliqa Explorers


Explorer will help you to get all the needed information, such as the validator’s uptime, fee, account and transaction details, etc.

Where Can I Stake My ZIL?


There are plenty of opportunities for how you can stake your ZIL assets. You can try to stake ZIL tokens via wallets, such as:

Is There a Minimum Amount to Stake?


Yes. The minimum stake amount is 10 ZIL.

What Is the Fee to Stake Zilliqa?


For the validating services that SSN Operators perform, they charge a small amount of ZIL tokens from delegators' rewards. Everstake charges only a 5% fee for its services, and these funds help maintain the required infrastructure and workforce.

Is There a Minimum Lock-up Period For My ZIL Stake?


Yes. The lock-up period is approximately 14 days. It is to incentivize Zilliqa holders to stake ZIL tokens and encourage them to secure the network.

What Is a Staked Seed Node Operator?


A Staked Seed Node (SSN) Operator is a blockchain validator within the Zilliqa ecosystem. Investors delegate their tokens to an SSN Operator and earn rewards for delegating their "stake".

SSN Operators will handle all the technical work, but will charge specific fees for that.

What Is gZIL?


gZIL is a governance token that empowers long-term token holders and frequent engagers to become decision-makers in the Zilliqa ecosystem. gZIL holders can vote and make decisions on community and partner projects powered by ZIL. The max supply of gZIL coins is 722,700. 

ZIL holders staking in a wallet could receive 0.001 gZIL for every 1 ZIL claimed from staking. 

The gZIL minting ended on the Zilliqa blockchain in October 2021. If users hadn't claimed their gZIL before 1,483,713 blocks had been mined, those tokens would have become unclaimable.

What is Scilla?


Scilla is a new programming language for safe smart contracts. It offers strong safety guarantees by means of type soundness. It provides a clean separation between pure computational, state-manipulating, and communication aspects of smart contracts, avoiding many known pitfalls due to execution in a byzantine environment.

Scilla contracts are structured as communicating automata. Every in-contract computation (e.g., changing a balance or computing the result of a function) is implemented as a standalone atomic transition, i.e., without involving any other parties.

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