GenesisLRT: Exploring Restaking for Boosted ETH Rewards

11 Mar 2024
5 min read
5 min read
Article content
What Is GenesisLRT?
Restaking Advantages
What Is the Genesis Protocol?
Challenges of Current EigenLayer's Restaking Solution
Genesis Protocol: Addressing Challenges with Efficient Restaking
Our Contribution
The Takeaway

The Ethereum (ETH) staking industry is constantly changing, and a new platform named GenesisLRT has recently emerged. GenesisLRT leverages EigenLayer's recently introduced restaking primitive, enabling investors to stake and restake their ETH with just one click, allowing them to earn two layers of rewards. Moreover, restaking contributes to developing a more efficient and secure blockchain ecosystem.

This article provides an in-depth explanation of restaking, explores GenesisLRT's unique features and benefits, and highlights Everstake's vital role in the network. Read on to gain valuable insights into GenesisLRT's potential and improve your ETH staking strategy.

What Is GenesisLRT?

GenesisLRT offers a restaking strategy that allows you to stake your ETH simultaneously on multiple networks, maximizing your rewards. It leverages a protocol built on Ethereum – EigenLayer – to enable you to restake pure ETH from your existing stake.

GenesisLRT enables you to access the restaked liquidity using the liquid restaked token genETH. Additionally, this platform allows for a customizable restaking experience, where you can choose your preferred operators, validators, and AVSs (Actively Validated Services).

Restaking Advantages

GenesisLRT simplifies the restaking process for EigenLayer by allowing users to restake directly with native ETH instead of needing to convert it first. This creates a shorter user journey. Also, EigenLayer empowers:

  1. Protocols Economic Security: Developers can achieve economic security for new protocols through an affordable option such as EigenLayer.

  2. Protocol Flexibility: Protocols can maintain complete control over consensus and penalty terms by focusing on application-specific decisions.

  3. Enhanced Capital Efficiency for Stakers: Stakers can earn extra rewards by restaking, optimizing their capital use, and increasing validation-related earnings without committing additional funds.

What Is the Genesis Protocol?

Genesis Protocol is the protocol fueling GenesisLRT, overcoming EigenLayer restaking risks and challenges.

GEN Token

GEN token is the backbone of the Genesis Protocol and plays a vital role in the following aspects:

  • Governance: GEN token holders participate in the protocol's governance, allowing them to vote on important decisions about the project's future development and direction.

  • Staking: Users can participate in the network's consensus mechanism by staking their GEN tokens and earn rewards for contributing to its security and operation.

  • Fees: Certain fees related to restaking and validator selection are denominated in GEN tokens.

Challenges of Current EigenLayer's Restaking Solution

EigenLayer's restaking solution is a revolutionary approach that aims to improve the security and trust of crypto-economics. However, several challenges and risks can limit its growth potential. These include liquidity risks, limited interoperability with DeFi protocols, and competition from other yield farming opportunities available in ETH LST.

EigenLayer + LRT
Source: GenesisLRT Docs

EigenLayer promises to enable developers to tap into Ethereum's security and trust properties programmatically without having to bootstrap their own trust network. This will allow them to design innovative distributed systems without worrying about the security and trust aspects, thus contributing to the creation of a new and better version of the Internet. 

Moreover, the cost of providing staking rewards for network security is higher than the operational costs of the AVS. Finally, having multiple trust networks weakens the security of dApps since the cost of attack is the minimum cost of corruption across all its dependencies.

Source: GenesisLRT Docs

Genesis Protocol: Addressing Challenges with Efficient Restaking

The Genesis Protocol aims to enhance the DeFi ecosystem on Layer 2 by strengthening security, enabling users to select their operators, validators, and AVSs, and providing a higher level of DeFi composability through efficient restaking. This will increase liquidity, address the capital inefficiency problem, and create opportunities for accelerating restaking growth on EigenLayer.

Genesis LRT Solution and Architecture
Source: GenesisLRT Docs

Our Contribution

Everstake, a leading staking provider with a proven track record in blockchain security, plays an essential role in GenesisLRT. As a whitelisted operator within the EigenLayer ecosystem, we actively contribute to its growth and development.

Everstake contributes to the security and reliability of the GenesisLRT network through our participation in the DVT (Distributed Validator Technology) cluster. This collaboration allows us to leverage our expertise to validate transactions, enhancing the protocol's overall health and efficiency.

The Takeaway

GenesisLRT presents a unique and compelling approach to ETH staking, enabling users to maximize their rewards through restaking and using the innovative EigenLayer technology. The Genesis Protocol strengthens the ecosystem by addressing existing challenges and fostering a more secure and efficient environment.

Our native staking solution allows users to stake Ethereum with just 0.1 ETH. Visit our website to discover more about staking Ethereum.

Also, check our knowledge base on Ethereum for further information. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact our Ethereum Blockchain Manager on X.

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