Stake for [EVE1] Everstake

Total delegated to Everstake: 519 148 347 ADA
Cardano Logo in Cube
0.45 $
reward frequency
Per epoch
your earnings will be:
0.01 ada
0.25 ada
3.00 ada
The calculations only give an approximate amount, as the price fluctuates.
calculator – your earnings
0.01 ada
0.25 ada
3.00 ada
0.45 $
reward frequency
Per epoch


EVERSTAKE validator address


Delegating step-by-step

Delegating ADA to Everstake will help you to increase your yields safely and effortlessly. Our highly-experienced technical team supports the infrastructure that you can rely on without worrying about losing your funds. We use bare metal servers distributed around the globe, have backup nodes for any emergencies and dedicated DevOps monitoring the network 24/7.

More than 735,000 delegators in 70+ blockchains trust us. We have a strong commitment to clarity and transparency of our operations. All our operations and activities are open to the public. 

If you are looking for options on how to stake your ADA assets, you can check the guideline below:



What is Cardano?


Cardano is a proof of stake (PoS) blockchain. This means that even if you do not have the time or resources to run a stake pool, you can still delegate your ADA to another pool operator and have it staked on your behalf.

What is stake delegation?


Delegation is the process by which ADA holders delegate the stake associated with their ADA to a stake pool. It allows ADA holders that do not have the skills or desire to run a node to participate in the network and be rewarded in proportion to the amount of stake delegated.

How much can I earn by staking ADA?


The size of your rewards is determined by the size of your stake. They also increase as the transaction volume in the network grows, since part of the staking rewards come from transaction fees.

You will receive 4.91% annually minus validator fee.

When will I receive my rewards?


If you delegate your ADA during the first epoch, the pool which you delegate to can produce blocks two epochs later.

Two epochs after that, you will begin receiving rewards. This is the case in any epoch you begin delegating your stake in.

We know that each epoch is exactly five days long. Therefore, you will begin receiving staking rewards after 20 days.

Where and how to buy ADA?


You can buy ADA on a number of popular exchanges, including the world’s top exchange in terms of trading volume Binance. Here you can check a full list of exchanges where you can buy ADA.

Is it secure to delegate ADA tokens?


Yes, you have full control of your tokens and validators cannot use them in any way. Delegation doesn’t mean that you actually send your ADA to another address. Your tokens just get bonded by the network and cannot be used for any other purpose, except staking that you will be getting rewards for.

Do I need to keep my Yoroi, Daedalus, Adalite wallets open when I am staking?


No. You can close the wallet/shut down your computer and you are still staking and getting rewards.

What is an epoch from staking point of view?


It is a reward period for Cardano. It lasts 5 days. Also your initial delegation and redelegation is recorded at the beginning of the epoch.

Is my ADA locked when I delegate to a pool?


No, you are free to spend your ADA at any time (although you will stop earning staking rewards on anything that you spend).

Do I need to claim my rewards every epoch?


No, earned rewards are automatically included in your staked balance. You need to claim rewards only when you plan to move them out of your wallet.

What is a saturation limit?


A saturation limit is defined by the K Parameter. Currently, it is K=500 which means that if a pool goes over 64M of active stake, it can be oversaturated. That pool can produce fewer rewards or no rewards at all.

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