Stake with Everstake

Total delegated to Everstake: 7 054 905 NEAR
Near Logo in Cube
6.97 $
reward frequency
Per epoch
your earnings will be:
0.02 near
0.75 near
9.00 near
The calculations only give an approximate amount, as the price fluctuates.
calculator – your earnings
0.02 near
0.75 near
9.00 near
6.97 $
reward frequency
Per epoch


EVERSTAKE validator address


Delegating step-by-step

NEAR Protocol is a smart contract blockchain platform that is efficient, community-based, and developer-friendly, and it is a secure, decentralized platform for creating blockchain-based dApps that can manage digital assets and identity. 

The NEAR Protocol solves one of the main problems of blockchain applications - poor scalability. Many dApps use the Ethereum platform, as a result of which the network is loaded with transactions, and the fee for them can skyrocket. This makes microtransactions unavailable to users. To mitigate this problem, NEAR Protocol uses blockchain sharding to increase network scalability and serve millions of users at a time. Each individual shard includes many transactions that are validated by validators.

If you are looking for options on how to stake your NEAR assets, you can check the guidelines below:

Near Wallet:

NEAR Mobile Wallet:

My Near Wallet:

Meteor Wallet:

Sender Wallet:

Omni Wallet:

Nightly Wallet:

Opto Wallet:

Math Wallet:

Moonlet Wallet:

Ledger Nano S:

Ledger Live:


If you are interested in staking $100,000 (in NEAR tokens) or more, please email us - you will be able to obtain advantageous staking conditions.

About Everstake

Everstake is a large staking provider run by an experienced blockchain, IT, and fintech development team. The team is actively involved in various crypto projects, develops solutions to improve the process of handling PoS blockchains, and provides validator services. Everstake is a responsible validator trusted by 735k+ users across 70+ blockchain networks. Everstake works with almost all major blockchain projects using the Proof-of-Stake mechanism: Ethereum (ETH), Chainlink (LINK), Cosmos (ATOM), Tezos (XTZ), Near Protocol (NEAR), Aptos (APT), Elrond (EGLD) and many others.

Why stake NEAR with Everstake?

Staking NEAR is a simple and efficient way to gain yield from your tokens on a blockchain. When users stake their funds, they help secure the network and earn rewards if the node creates a block successfully. These rewards are distributed proportionally to each user's share of the total amount staked.

Everstake is one of the largest PoS/DPoS blockchain validators, trusted by over 735,000+ users across 70+ blockchain networks. Our highly-experienced technical team provides a reliable infrastructure with 99.9% uptime. We use bare metal servers distributed worldwide, backup nodes for emergencies, and dedicated DevOps monitoring the network 24/7. The current APY is approximately 9%.

Everstake significantly contributes to the NEAR ecosystem by creating informative guides, producing engaging video content, and publishing noteworthy articles about the NEAR Protocol. You can explore these invaluable resources Everstake Near Blog.

Multiply Your NEAR Profits: Explore NEAR Staking, Yield, Rewards, and APY with Everstake Today.

Staking has become an increasingly popular way to earn passive income in the cryptocurrency space. Everstake takes this experience a step further with our innovative NEAR staking platform, aiming to boost your NEAR profits.

NEAR Protocol, an advanced decentralized application platform, is designed to provide the performance and user experience necessary to bridge the gap to mainstream adoption of decentralized technologies.

With NEAR, you're not just staking a cryptocurrency; you're actively participating in an ecosystem designed to facilitate the creation of decentralized applications. By staking your NEAR tokens with Everstake, you're directly supporting the NEAR network's operations while earning staking rewards.

Our platform provides an intuitive staking calculator that offers insights into potential yield, rewards, and Annual Percentage Yield (APY), giving you a clear understanding of potential earnings even before you start staking.

So why wait? Dive into the world of passive earnings today with NEAR staking on Everstake. Our platform ensures a secure, efficient, and profitable staking experience, helping you get the most out of your NEAR tokens.

Understanding NEAR and Its Staking Mechanism

NEAR Protocol is a scalable blockchain platform designed to support and run decentralized applications (dApps) with ease and efficiency.

Its primary aim is to facilitate a world where people have control over their money, data, and power of governance. The native cryptocurrency of the NEAR Protocol is NEAR token, which plays a significant role in maintaining and operating the network.

NEAR uses a consensus mechanism called "Nightshade," a unique variation of the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model. Unlike the traditional Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, PoS does not require miners to solve complex mathematical problems. Instead, validators (the equivalent of miners in the PoS model) are chosen to create new blocks based on the number of tokens they hold and are willing to 'stake' as collateral.

When you stake NEAR tokens, you are essentially locking up your tokens to support network operations like transaction validation and data storage. Validators are incentivized for their service to the network with staking rewards.

Staking with NEAR not only allows you to earn passive income but also supports the stability and security of the network. By staking your NEAR tokens, you are participating in the network's governance, aiding in the decision-making processes, and helping to secure the network against potential attacks. Thus, staking NEAR is a way to contribute to the network's growth while earning rewards for your participation.

The Role of Everstake in NEAR Staking

Everstake serves a pivotal role in facilitating NEAR staking, helping you enhance your NEAR earnings. As a leading staking service provider, we manage NEAR staking pool that provide an effective way for NEAR holders to participate in staking without the technical complexity of running a validator node.

Here's how Everstake augments your NEAR staking experience:

  • Secure and Reliable: Everstake prioritizes the security of your staked assets. We use cutting-edge security measures to safeguard our staking pools and ensure the safety of your staked NEAR tokens.
  • Expertise and Experience: Our team comprises seasoned blockchain professionals who ensure the smooth operation of our staking pools. This guarantees a seamless staking experience for our users.
  • Maximized Rewards: At Everstake, we strive to maximize your staking rewards. We operate optimized staking pools that maintain high uptime and performance, leading to a higher chance of being selected to produce blocks and hence, earn rewards.
  • User-Friendly Platform: Everstake offers a user-friendly platform with an intuitive interface. Even if you are new to staking, you'll find it easy to stake your NEAR with Everstake. We also provide a NEAR staking calculator to help you estimate your potential earnings.
  • Community Support: Everstake is more than a staking service provider; we are a community of blockchain enthusiasts. We consistently share updates and educational content about NEAR staking to keep our users informed and help them maximize their staking activities.

By staking your NEAR with Everstake, you're choosing a trusted partner committed to helping you make the most of NEAR staking. This allows you to earn passive income while contributing to the security and efficiency of the NEAR network.

Using the NEAR Staking Calculator

The NEAR Staking Calculator on Everstake is an intuitive tool designed to help you project your potential staking rewards. This gives you crucial insights into what you could possibly earn from staking NEAR tokens.

Here's how you use the calculator:

  • Enter Your Staking Amount: Start by inputting the amount of NEAR tokens you plan to stake. Remember, the more tokens you stake, the higher your potential rewards could be.
  • Choose the Staking Duration: Specify the duration for which you intend to stake your NEAR tokens. The longer you stake your tokens, the more rewards you may potentially earn.
  • Calculate Your Rewards: Once you've entered your staking amount and duration, the calculator will estimate your potential rewards and APY (Annual Percentage Yield).

Keep in mind that these estimates are based on the current network conditions and staking reward rates. It provides you a glimpse of your potential earnings before you commence staking.

The NEAR Staking Calculator is an essential tool for any NEAR staker. By giving you a clear understanding of your potential earnings, it allows you to make informed decisions and tailor your staking strategy to meet your financial goals.

Remember, while the calculator provides a projection, the actual returns can vary based on network conditions and reward distribution mechanisms.

Tips to Maximize Your NEAR Staking Returns

Maximizing your returns from NEAR staking requires a thoughtful approach. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your NEAR staking:

  • Stake More NEAR Tokens: The more NEAR tokens you stake, the higher your potential rewards. This is because your staking rewards on the NEAR network are proportional to the amount of NEAR you have staked.
  • Opt for Long-Term Staking: Staking your tokens for a longer period can lead to higher rewards due to the compounding effect. The longer you keep your tokens staked, the more rewards you can potentially earn.
  • Regularly Monitor Your Staking: Keep track of your staking performance using Everstake's user-friendly dashboard. Regular monitoring allows you to make timely decisions based on the performance of NEAR and your accumulated rewards.
  • Reinvest Your Rewards: Consider reinvesting your staking rewards back into staking. This can amplify the compounding effect and boost your overall earnings.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated with the latest developments in the NEAR network and the broader crypto market. This can help you make timely adjustments to your staking strategy and maximize your returns.
  • Choose a Reliable Staking Platform: Selecting a reliable staking platform like Everstake is crucial for maximizing your staking returns. Everstake's secure, efficient, and user-friendly platform allows you to stake your NEAR tokens with ease and confidence.

Remember, staking involves risk, just like any other investment. Always consider your risk tolerance and investment goals when making staking decisions. With the right strategy, you can optimize your NEAR staking returns and build a substantial stream of passive income.

How to Start Your NEAR Staking Journey with Everstake

Starting your NEAR staking journey with Everstake is an easy process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Step 1: Visit the Platform
    Your journey begins by visiting the website. On our homepage, you'll find the 'Stake Now' button prominently located. Click on this button to kickstart your staking journey.
  2. Step 2: Choose NEAR as Your Staking Option
    Everstake supports a variety of cryptocurrencies for staking, catering to a wide range of user preferences. For this guide, you'll want to select NEAR from the list of supported tokens. This ensures that your staking activities align with your investment strategy.
  3. Step 3: Start Staking
    After choosing NEAR as your preferred cryptocurrency, you'll be taken to the staking page. Here, you'll find our staking calculator, which will help you estimate your potential rewards. Input the amount of NEAR you want to stake and the duration you intend to keep your tokens staked. Once you confirm your decision, the staking process will begin immediately.

    From this point on, all you need to do is sit back and watch as your investment grows over time. Your staked NEAR tokens will begin generating rewards, creating a passive income stream for you.

  4. Step 4: Monitor Your Staking
    Everstake provides a user-friendly dashboard where you can monitor the performance of your staked tokens, keep track of your generated rewards, and even estimate your future earnings based on current performance.
  5. Step 5: Unstake or Stake More
    At any point in your staking journey, you have the option to unstake your tokens or stake more, depending on your financial goals and market conditions. Always remember to use the staking calculator to make informed decisions whenever you adjust your staking.

    Starting your staking journey with Everstake is as easy as it gets. With our intuitive platform and dedicated support team, your transition into NEAR staking will be smooth, secure, and potentially profitable. Happy staking!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about NEAR Staking

What is NEAR Staking?

NEAR staking involves participating in the network's consensus mechanism by locking up a certain amount of NEAR tokens in the network. Stakers can earn rewards in the form of additional NEAR tokens generated by the network.

How secure is my staked NEAR with Everstake?

Everstake prioritizes the security of your staked assets. We employ advanced security protocols and measures to safeguard your staked NEAR tokens from potential threats. Everstake doesn't have access to your assets, and your NEAR tokens are under your complete control.

How much can I earn from staking NEAR with Everstake?

The earnings from staking NEAR depend on several factors, including the number of NEAR tokens staked, the staking duration, and the network's current reward rate. Everstake provides a staking calculator that can help you estimate your potential earnings.

Can I unstake my NEAR tokens anytime?

Yes, you can unstake your NEAR tokens at any time. However, it's important to note that unstaking often involves a certain "unbonding" period before the tokens are released back to your wallet.

What happens if the price of NEAR falls?

If the price of NEAR falls, the value of your staking rewards in terms of other currencies like USD would also decrease. However, the number of NEAR tokens you earn from staking would not change as it is dependent on the number of tokens you have staked and not on the token's price.

Is there a minimum amount of NEAR required to stake with Everstake?

The minimum staking requirements can vary, and Everstake aims to make staking accessible to everyone by setting a relatively low minimum staking limit. For the most accurate information, please refer to our platform or get in touch with our support team.


What is Near?


NEAR Protocol is a decentralized application platform that is secure enough to manage high-value assets like money or identity and performant enough to make them useful for everyday people, putting the power of the Open Web in their hands.

Built by the Near Collective, the Near Protocol was co-founded by Alex Skidanov and Illia Polosukhin. Its mainnet went live in April 2020, and network validators voted to unlock token transfers in October 2020. The primary mission of the Near project is to make the development, use, and maintenance of useful dApps as simple and fast as possible. 

NEAR Protocol uses a technique called “sharding”, which splits the network into multiple pieces so that the computation is done in parallel. Parallelism radically increases throughput and allows the network to scale up as the number of nodes on it increases. With NEAR, there isn’t a theoretical limit on the network’s capacity.

Eager to learn more about NEAR Protocol? Browse the website or read the documentation.

Who are validators?


NEAR Protocol uses Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to secure its blockchain. Validators represent the community of node operators that take care of the blockchain consensus. Technically, the validating nodes are servers that aggregate transactions into blocks, execute them, and maintain the latest state of the blockchain. The owners of these nodes, the Validators, get rewards for their service at the end of every epoch (~14 hours).

Everstake is one of the validators of the NEAR Protocol.

Where can I see the Near Protocol network stats and other info?


Please check these explorers:

What is delegation?


NEAR token holders are encouraged to earn rewards by delegating their tokens. By staking your NEAR tokens, you help secure the network and earn rewards. When you delegate your tokens, you deposit and stake your token with a specific staking pool that has been deployed by a validator.

What is a minimum amount to stake?


There is no minimum amount to stake in the NEAR Protocol. However, some applications and platforms may set a minimum stake, such as 1 NEAR.

What is the unstaking period?


The unstaking period refers to the number of days that staked NEAR is locked up in an untransferable state. During the unstaking period, a NEARist retains full custody over his or her NEAR in the sense that tokens never leave the wallet – they are only delegated.

Unstaked NEAR tokens will be available pending a release period of 52-65 hours (4 epochs), and then you can withdraw your stake.

Are the Near rewards compounded, or do I need to claim them?


Rewards are automatically compounded at the end of the epoch.

What is an epoch?


An epoch is the interval of time that consists of several consensus rounds. Note that there is no guarantee of the exact number of consensus rounds. Currently, one epoch lasts for about the duration of half a day (~14 hours) and is used to:

  • measure the performance and uptime of validators;
  • collect the bids from new validators.

What is APR?


APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate. This is the percentage that you will receive when staking with a validator. APR in the Near Network is not stable and may vary a bit. You may find an actual APR in the explorers mentioned above.

What is the fee?


Validators charge a certain amount of NEAR tokens from delegators in return for the validating service they perform.

Slashing and risks for my funds?


Currently, there is no slashing in NEAR Protocol. Thus, your stake could not be slashed for malfunctioning of the chosen validator. The only risk is not receiving possible rewards because of the validator’s failure during the time he is fixing the problem. However, even if this happens, you can still unstake your funds and stake elsewhere. 

With Everstake, you can be sure that you will get all your rewards as our uptime rank in all our networks equals 99.99%. The company constantly improves services and runs top-notch gear with highly professional specialists that monitor the network non-stop. Everstake supports users in our channels 24/7 and assists with staking-related issues.

Who can control my funds?


Only you. Validator has absolutely no control over the delegators’ funds. You may move your funds as you wish and when you wish, taking into consideration the unstaking period.

Where to buy Near?


You can purchase NEAR tokens on various exchanges, for instance:

NEAR tokenomics


The native token of the NEAR Protocol is NEAR, which powers the economy within the NEAR Protocol ecosystem. 

The NEAR token is used for:

  • fees for processing transactions and storing data;
  • running validator nodes by staking NEAR;
  • allocation of resources via governance.

The maximum supply of NEAR tokens is 1,000,000,000. At the time of Genesis, a total of 1,000,000,000 NEAR tokens were created. Check NEAR Token Supply and Distribution.

How does Everstake contribute to the NEAR Protocol?


Everstake was one of the partners in Stake Wars III, a program that helps the community become familiar with what it means to be a NEAR validator.

Stake Wars: Episode I helped to expose key areas for stability improvements and drove the improvement of release processes. 

The goal of Stake Wars: Episode II was to onboard validators. The Everstake team is an experienced partner, as we also participated in it.

Stake Wars: Episode III gave the community an early chance to access the Chunk-Only Producer role. This Role is more accessible for those who may not have the NEAR required to run a Block Producer node. This Episode became an opportunity to gain confidence and learn how to work with contract-based delegation, with the goal of joining the network as a Chunk-Only Producer and being ready to launch your service on Mainnet.

Everstake plays a significant role in bolstering the NEAR ecosystem through its active involvement across various media platforms. With a strong commitment to education and community engagement, the team consistently delivers valuable content and resources that enrich the NEAR community's knowledge and understanding. From creating educational materials and participating in AMA sessions to developing informative dashboards and producing valuable content, Everstake actively fosters growth, engagement, and knowledge-sharing within the NEAR community and highly appreciates the community's support.

Near and NFT


Near Protocol is an absolutely NFT-friendly place, as NEAR’s transactions are fast (1 to 2 seconds) and affordable at just a few cents or less. There are various marketplaces, the top of which are Mintbase and Paras. 

  • Mintbase provides minters with various creative allocation and redemption mechanisms for their customers. A company or individual person can create their own markets. Up to date, customers used the platform mainly to mint tickets, art tokens, and newsletter subscriptions.
  • Paras sticks to a curatorial approach to its artists’ output. This selection process ensures consistent quality and elevates creators. On NEAR, Paras is bringing their curated NFT experience to artists struggling to mint artworks on other blockchains.

Look at the article to learn more about the Near Protocol's contribution to the development of the Non-Fungible Token Market.

Near social media


The NEAR Protocol and the community is very active across different social media. Choose the best for you and follow to be up to date on the latest news:

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Our distributed team of 20+ community managers is online 24/7 and is ready to assist you.