Kusama staking

Total delegated to Everstake: 70 372 KSM
Kusama Logo in Cube
29.69 $
reward frequency
Per era
your earnings will be:
0.01 ksm
0.18 ksm
2.20 ksm
The calculations only give an approximate amount, as the price fluctuates.
calculator – your earnings
0.01 ksm
0.18 ksm
2.20 ksm
29.69 $
reward frequency
Per era


EVERSTAKE validator address


Delegating step-by-step

Kusama is a network of specialized blockchains created with Substrate, sharing a similar codebase with Polkadot. It serves as an experimental environment for teams aiming to innovate quickly on Kusama or prepare for deployment on Polkadot. Founded in 2019 by Gavin Wood, who is also the founder of Polkadot and a co-founder and former CTO of Ethereum.

KSM serves as the native token for the Kusama Network. It can be utilized for various purposes including transaction fees, staking, governance, acquiring parachain slots, and enabling essential functionalities on Kusama.

Why Delegate KSM With Everstake?

Token holders can participate in the development of the network and help validators maintain network stability by delegating their tokens.

Everstake is one of the Kusama validators. If you are a Nominator, a staker called within the Kusama ecosystem, and would like to support Everstake's validator, you can easily do it by delegating with our validator: ESRBbWstgpPV1pVBsqjMo717rA8HLrtQvEUVwAGeFZyKcia.

We at Everstake strive to assist the crypto community in becoming more familiar with Kusama technology and innovations. We participate at all levels in community life, following updates and publishing news and educational materials on social media channels.

Delegate to Everstake on Polkadot.

KSM Delegation Guides

Web Wallets:

Mobile Wallets:

About Everstake

Everstake is a large staking provider run by an experienced blockchain, IT, and fintech development team. The team is actively involved in various crypto projects, develops solutions to improve the process of handling PoS blockchains, and provides validator services. Everstake is trusted by 625k+ users across 70+ blockchain networks.

The Everstake team strives to simplify the delegation process for token holders and provide convenient services for staking monitoring. Newbies will find step-by-step guides on the Everstake blog to help them figure out how to stake certain tokens in various crypto wallets.

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What is Kusama?


Kusama is an early release of Polkadot: a scalable, multichain network for radical innovation. Kusama serves as a proving ground that allows teams and developers to build and deploy a parachain, and experiment with Polkadot’s governance and NPoS functionality in a real environment.

Kusama Parameters


  • Slot: 6 seconds (generally one block per slot)
  • Epoch: 1 hour (600 slots x 6 seconds)
  • Session: 1 hour (6 sessions per Era)
  • Era: 6 hours (3600 slots x 6 seconds)

What is KSM?


KSM is the native token of the Kusama Network. KSM can be used for transaction fees, staking, governance, acquisition of a parachain slot and for enabling several key functionalities on Kusama.

What is staking?


Kusama uses NPoS (Nominated Proof-of-Stake) as its consensus mechanism. The system encourages KSM holders to participate as nominators. Both validators and nominators lock their tokens as collateral and receive staking rewards.

The staking system pays out rewards essentially equally to all validators regardless of stake. Having more stake on a validator does not influence the amount of block rewards it receives. However, there is a probabilistic component to reward calculation, so rewards may not be exactly equal for all validators in a given era.

Distribution of the rewards are pro-rata to all stakers after the validator's commission is deducted. In this way, the network creates incentives for the nomination of lower-staked validators to create an equally-staked validator set.

Is there a minimum staking amount?


Yes, there are some requirements when it comes to staking. Please check the complete list below:

  • 0.000333 KSM: the minimum balance required to have an active account on Kusama Network. If your account balance drops below the minimum, your account will be reaped.
  • 0.343771 KSM: the minimum amount of KSM required to become an active nominator and earn rewards.
  • 0.001667 KSM: the minimum contribution required to join a nomination pool and earn staking rewards for contributing to the security of the network. Learn more about nomination pools.
  • 1.000000 KSM: the minimum contribution required to participate in crowdloans for parachain slot auctions.
  • 0.333333 KSM: register an on-chain identity
  • 0.666933 KSM: create a proxy account.
  • 1 KSM: you can create your own nomination pool.

What is the minimum amount of KSM you can have in your account?


Kusama uses an existential deposit (ED) to prevent dust accounts from bloating chain state. If an account drops below the ED, it will be reaped, i.e. completely removed from storage and the nonce reset. Kusama's ED  is 33.3333 microKSM (0.0000333333 KSM).

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